Monday, January 4, 2010

Masai Mara Safari III

Final Day on the Safari

This morning we woke up early for a sunrise morning game drive. I hate to use the word amazing so much, but that is an apt description for this whole experience. The animals were not out as much early in the morning, but we were in for a surprise. Our guide spotted a jackal being chased by an antelope. We just stopped to watch the chase. It was not very intense but just interesting. Eventually, the chase stopped and the jackal came close to the Land Rover to sniff a rock. We were passively paying attention to it when, in an instant, the jackal had a very small antelope in his mouth. Evidently, the mother had hidden the baby, and the jackal had found it. This was totally unexpected. The jackal did not get a kill though because the mother antelope quickly charged the jackal to save its young. The most exciting part was just that the whole experience was unexpected.

While this morning was an exciting end to our safari, last night still provided a spark as a lion roamed around our tents and chased water buffalo through the camp. One would think that you can’t sleep during events such as these, but safaris are very tiring. Once ten o’clock comes, it is hard to stay awake. Even though the lion was around our tent, we did not wake up all night.

I fly back to Lusaka early tomorrow morning, and there will definitely be culture shock. Nairobi is very developed compared to Zambia and the safari was very posh; therefore, going back to the slums will be a shock. It will definitely take some time to get used to, but it is all apart of life in Africa.

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